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Bees: The Little Heroes Keeping Us Alive

Bee-lieve it or not, without bees there would be no human race. And they need our help!

Last updated: 26 Mar 2024 - 4 min read
Bees: The Little Heroes Keeping Us Alive

When someone first told us that bees were the most important species in our ecosystem (at least to the survival of us humans!), we almost didn't believe them. Hardly anyone ever talks about bees, and if they do its more out of fear of their sting, than in awe!

This World Bee Day, we have to talk about bees because they need our help urgently. Read on to find out why they matter and how we can help!

Why Bees Matter

  • Bees pollinate pretty much all our food. In fact, 90% of the world's nutrition is supplied by crops pollinated by bees. Take a pause and digest that 😮
  • Some studies say that the human race will only last 4 years if bees go extinct today - but that would be a pretty painful 4 years with hardly any nutrients....

The Bee Crisis

  • It's hard to count bees precisely, but conservative estimates are that wild bee populations have declined over 90 percent since 1960s.
  • At the same time, the world population has grown from 3 billion to almost 8 billion. So at the time that the world needs more food than ever, the chief source of our food is declining in record numbers. That's crazy to think about.
  • There are lots of reasons for the bee decline but the key reasons are: habitat loss and use of pesticides.

The Bee Crisis in Singapore & What We Can Do to Help

We spoke with Clarence, local bee expert and rescuer, to find out more about the bee crisis in Singapore.

"Bees are a keystone species. Keystone species helps define an entire ecosystem; without it the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether! In Singapore, rapid urbanisation is jeopardizing the survival and well-being of our buzzing friends as their habitats continue to vanish. While we don't have much agriculture, many native plants depend on bee pollination. So our 'City in Nature' plan itself relies on the work of bees. " says Clarence.

From running educational workshops, to rescuing bees and creating bridges with the government, Clarence is working hard to save our bees. And it's working! Since 2020, Clarence has already rescued 200 nests to date - that's 1 million bees so far!! He has also educated thousands on the importance of bees, and has even convinced Ang Mo Kio and Jurong Clementi town councils to work with him instead of exterminators!

"The environmental outcome of 1 million bees saved is immense: Apis cerana, native to Singapore, is regarded as one of the best pollinators on Earth! We also regularly conduct Bee Outreach Programmes, delivering talk son the virtues of the wonderful honeybee. Bees previously killed by pest control, are now instead relocated to our farms." says Clarence.

Bee expert Clarence relocating bees from a tree to his apiary

Other than being crucial for plants and agriculture, the health of bees also affects other wildlife too. Many fruit that our wildlife depends on in forests are pollinated by bees. If there are fewer bees, there would also be less naturally occurring food for wildlife. Wildlife would then come into our homes to search for food, increasing human-wildlife conflict.

How can you help?

Rooftop bee farm experience where you'll get to learn about bees, and support bee rescue work!

1. Share this article and spread the word about the importance of bees and bee rescues. When we do find bees in our homes, most people choose to exterminate bees instead of rescuing and re-homing them, as it's cheaper to exterminate. But our entire eco-system and Singapore's City in Nature is dependant on us saving the bees. So please choose to rescue them instead of exterminating them!

2. Clarence has sponsors that covers a small part of operational costs, so any additional funds are helpful! If you're feeling generous, donate to help save more bees.

3. Here's where things get fun: You can participate in Clarence's Rooftop Farm Experience at The Sundowner — a unique experience that's a combination of learning about organic farming, an up-close bee encounter, a farm-to-table honey tasting, and enjoying garden cocktails — all on a secret rooftop farm/ lounge. Each ticket directly funds Clarence's rescue work.

4. Clarence hopes to find a new apiary in the North to make his rescues even easier as many distress calls come from North side. If you know someone who has an open space available in North (or actually anywhere in Singapore!), please do let us know.

Together, we can help save the bees, one small step at a time!

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