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Lion Brewery Co Brewpub Tour

Indulge in Lion Brewery's innovative craft beers!
45 mins
Booking type
Join-in trip
At location
Group size
Up to 6 guests
Singapore's best craft beer tour!
Enjoy the best of craft beer in Singapore.Lion Brewery's Brewery Tour is a unique experience that beer enthusiasts in Singapore will love. Their flagship venue on 36 Club Street is nestled in a heritage building in the heart of Singapore, and is home to twenty-five beer taps, including some old English cask hand-pumps! With elevated gastropub food, live sports, and regular music events, it’s the best place for a pint in Singapore. Want to know more about how their beers are made? At their state-of-the-art microbrewery, you can learn how the fantastic brewers craft fresh innovative beers from start to finish - or as they like to say, from 'grass to grain'.What to ExpectA 45-minute brewery tour where you can learn about Lion's history, brewing processes, and how they decide which unique flavours and styles to create for your enjoymentTaste various beers from a beer flight consisting of 6 x 180ml beersEnjoy a beer pairing tasting platter with food that compliments the flavours of the beersLion Brewery merchandiseEngage in a 15-minute Q&A session to ask any burning questions you may have about the brewing processPlease wear closed toed shoes for the brewery tour!
What You’ll be Doing
Brewery tour & tasting
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What’s Included
1 x beer flight (6 x 180ml beer)
1 x beer pairing tasting platter (snacks)
1 x Lion Brewery Co merchandise
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Next Available Dates
Prices shown in USD
Select Time for 29 Jun 2024
Additional Information
Where we'll meet
Start Point
Meet-up at Lion Brewery(36 Club St, Club Street, Singapore)
  • 15 mins before selected timeslot
End Point
  • End at Start Point(s)
Start & ends
  • Every Monday
    02:00PM - 02:45PM
    02:45PM - 03:30PM
    03:30PM - 04:15PM
    04:15PM - 05:00PM
  • Every Tuesday
    02:00PM - 02:45PM
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Suitability / Accessibility
  • Vegetarian food available
  • Halal food available
  • Recommended Age: 18+
Cancellation & other policies
  • Cancellation
    To secure your spot, your host will turn away other guests. Because of this, cancellations aren't allowed.
  • Extenuating Circumstances Policy
    In the event that one or more participants are tested positive (or suspected) for Covid-19, they are required to inform 24 hours prior to the trip if possible. Customers can choose to reschedule the booking.
S$ 70/person
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Date & Time
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Meet your host
In 2018, Will and his mates resurrected an 1800s London brewery in Singapore, Lion Brewery Co. They're committed to sustainability, planting trees for every keg sold. Their craft beers, paired with a delectable gastro-pub menu, attract beer lovers to their taproom. With live sports, music, and events aplenty, Lion Brewery Co. has become a vibrant hub for the craft beer community in the heart of Singapore.
Experience: 6 years
Speaks: Fluent English
Acceptance rate: 100%
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Helpful Questions

What should I pack?
Closed toe shoes required.
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